We believe that God has gifted every person with spiritual gifts to be used to glorify Him. We are passionate about serving both within our church and outside our church in the community. We want to help you discover your gifts and give you opportunities to find joy in using them to further the kingdom of God!
We believe that God has gifted every person with spiritual gifts to be used to glorify Him. We are passionate about serving both within our church and outside our church in the community. We want to help you discover your gifts and give you opportunities to find joy in using them to further the kingdom of God!
Service Opportunities:
Audio/Visual/Media: Bring your creativity and tech-savvy to this team that provides quality sound for our services, video for our live stream, as well as putting together videos for use in our services and outreach.
Buildings & Grounds: This team would be called upon to fulfill specific projects on or around our facility. It will be project-based, not ongoing. This team’s goal is to help our church have an excellent, well-kept campus.
Children’s Ministry:
Compassion: Each month our church receives a load of supplies from Convoy of Hope ministries. This compassionate team of people will load up those supplies and deliver them to our church, assemble gift baskets from these items, and distribute them to the needy in our community as well as those who serve our community.
Decorating: If you have a knack for decorating, and would love to use your talents to spruce up the buildings of our church, this team may be a great fit for you. Seasonal decorating, updating current décor, as well as decorating for special occasions are some of the tasks this team enjoys.
First Touch/Greeters: This friendly team loves people & makes them feel at home at Fellowship. They welcome guests with a smile, a bulletin & a personal touch so that hearts are open to the Gospel message.
Hospitality: This team provides comfort and support to those church members who have lost a loved one by providing meals – either cooked and served at the church or delivered to a home/funeral home – as well as prayer support for the families. This team also heads up all-church dinners by planning the meals, grocery shopping, and preparing a bulk of the food.
Operation Christmas Child: This team gathers and organizes gifts for children around the world year-round. Before collection week, once a year, this team will plan the packing party and facilitate delivery of the boxes to the collection site in our area. This team may also plan a special service highlighting this ministry before collection week.
Outreach: Does your heart go out to those who don’t know the Lord? There are people who come through the doors of our church that are searching for a place to belong. Do you have a desire to help them find that place? Under the pastor’s direction, this team will visit guests and encourage people in their walk with the Lord. This team will also take part in various outreach events and projects throughout the year.
Parking Lot: This team is truly the first impression of Fellowship! Whether it’s helping guests in the parking lot or directing traffic on special days, if you relish the great outdoors and enjoy helping people find their destination, this is the team for you!
Prayer: This team of intercessors covers the weekend services in prayer, preparing the way for the Lord. Join this team that is blazing a trail for God by praying before services, during services, & over our leaders!
Security/Safety Team: This team cares for the safety of people while on our campus by being on call to provide medical assistance during services, safety in our parking lot, and security for everyone on our campus. This team sets out to make our facilities as safe and secure as possible.
Set-Up: If you can set up tables, chairs, and other needed equipment, you could be a part of this team that prepares our buildings for special activities and events.
Sunday School: As Fellowship Church continues to grow, we will see a need for more classes during the Sunday School hour - elective classes and permanent classes – for all ages. There is also a great need for substitute teachers who can fill in when a teacher has to be absent. If you love to teach, love to study God’s Word, are a growing Christian, and want to be used in this capacity, this may be a great fit for you.
Usher: These mighty servants prepare people for a positive worship experience by welcoming and assisting them to a seat and maintaining a distraction-free environment.
Visitation: This team assists our pastoral staff and church leaders in ministering to people who are in the hospital, nursing home, or sick at home. This team will visit those who are sick or hospitalized to pray for them and serve them in any way possible.
Worship: With vocals and/or instruments, this dynamic team serves to prepare the way for our members and guests to encounter the presence of the living God through music.
Youth Ministry: Join the team that is building the next generation, through caring worship experiences, relevant Bible teaching, impactful retreats, and life-changing mission trips. Become a mentor, sponsor, or teacher. Besides those opportunities, this ministry could always use host homes for Bible studies and events and people to bake goodies.
Buildings & Grounds: This team would be called upon to fulfill specific projects on or around our facility. It will be project-based, not ongoing. This team’s goal is to help our church have an excellent, well-kept campus.
Children’s Ministry:
- Awana - This team consistently shows kids the love of Jesus through teaching His Word, working in small groups as the kids work through books about the Bible, listening to kids quote Scripture, leading age-appropriate music for each level, working with games, or doing the paperwork required for the ministry.
- Children’s/Toddler Church - Do you love children? Do you have the gift of teaching? Maybe this team is just the spot for you! Teams rotate throughout the year in teaching toddlers through 6th grade during the Sunday morning worship hour. With enough teams rotating in each age group, no team should have to miss too much “big church”.
- Nursery - Do you love babies? Would you be willing to rock them, play with them, read to them, and change diapers so that young moms can enjoy the worship services? This could be just the place for you to serve! You may be instrumental in helping parents come to know the Lord or grow in their walk with Him.
- Special Events – We are always in need of those who love children and love to play or work at special events such as Vacation Bible School, Easter Block Party, Trunk or Treat, etc. If you aren’t interested in serving year-round with the Children’s Ministry Team but would love to help with one or more of these events, maybe this is the place for you.
Compassion: Each month our church receives a load of supplies from Convoy of Hope ministries. This compassionate team of people will load up those supplies and deliver them to our church, assemble gift baskets from these items, and distribute them to the needy in our community as well as those who serve our community.
Decorating: If you have a knack for decorating, and would love to use your talents to spruce up the buildings of our church, this team may be a great fit for you. Seasonal decorating, updating current décor, as well as decorating for special occasions are some of the tasks this team enjoys.
First Touch/Greeters: This friendly team loves people & makes them feel at home at Fellowship. They welcome guests with a smile, a bulletin & a personal touch so that hearts are open to the Gospel message.
Hospitality: This team provides comfort and support to those church members who have lost a loved one by providing meals – either cooked and served at the church or delivered to a home/funeral home – as well as prayer support for the families. This team also heads up all-church dinners by planning the meals, grocery shopping, and preparing a bulk of the food.
Operation Christmas Child: This team gathers and organizes gifts for children around the world year-round. Before collection week, once a year, this team will plan the packing party and facilitate delivery of the boxes to the collection site in our area. This team may also plan a special service highlighting this ministry before collection week.
Outreach: Does your heart go out to those who don’t know the Lord? There are people who come through the doors of our church that are searching for a place to belong. Do you have a desire to help them find that place? Under the pastor’s direction, this team will visit guests and encourage people in their walk with the Lord. This team will also take part in various outreach events and projects throughout the year.
Parking Lot: This team is truly the first impression of Fellowship! Whether it’s helping guests in the parking lot or directing traffic on special days, if you relish the great outdoors and enjoy helping people find their destination, this is the team for you!
Prayer: This team of intercessors covers the weekend services in prayer, preparing the way for the Lord. Join this team that is blazing a trail for God by praying before services, during services, & over our leaders!
Security/Safety Team: This team cares for the safety of people while on our campus by being on call to provide medical assistance during services, safety in our parking lot, and security for everyone on our campus. This team sets out to make our facilities as safe and secure as possible.
Set-Up: If you can set up tables, chairs, and other needed equipment, you could be a part of this team that prepares our buildings for special activities and events.
Sunday School: As Fellowship Church continues to grow, we will see a need for more classes during the Sunday School hour - elective classes and permanent classes – for all ages. There is also a great need for substitute teachers who can fill in when a teacher has to be absent. If you love to teach, love to study God’s Word, are a growing Christian, and want to be used in this capacity, this may be a great fit for you.
Usher: These mighty servants prepare people for a positive worship experience by welcoming and assisting them to a seat and maintaining a distraction-free environment.
Visitation: This team assists our pastoral staff and church leaders in ministering to people who are in the hospital, nursing home, or sick at home. This team will visit those who are sick or hospitalized to pray for them and serve them in any way possible.
Worship: With vocals and/or instruments, this dynamic team serves to prepare the way for our members and guests to encounter the presence of the living God through music.
Youth Ministry: Join the team that is building the next generation, through caring worship experiences, relevant Bible teaching, impactful retreats, and life-changing mission trips. Become a mentor, sponsor, or teacher. Besides those opportunities, this ministry could always use host homes for Bible studies and events and people to bake goodies.
Ready to start serving?
The best way to get started is to go through Lifetrack. If you want more information fill out the form below to talk with a pastor or team leader about serving.
Click here for more information about Lifetrack
Click here for more information about Lifetrack