No matter your stage or season of life, we want you and your family to join us! Your family is always welcome here at Majesty.



(Birth - 4 years old)

Each preschool class is designed to help preschoolers establish a foundation for biblical understanding. Bible activities and lessons are intentionally designed to introduce preschoolers to our loving God and His amazing Word. These classes will also provide resources for parents to help establish a foundation for Biblical knowledge and understanding.

Nursery (0 - 2 years old)

Sundays at 9:00 AM & 10:00 AM; Wednesdays during the school year at 6:30 PM

Sunday School (2 - 4 years old)

Sundays at 9:00 AM

Toddler Church (2 - 4 years old)

Sundays at 10:00 AM

Awana - Cubbies (3 - 4 years old)

Wednesdays during the school year at 6:30 PM

Cubbies nurtures the budding faith of preschoolers and celebrates their desire to explore all that God has created. Cubbies features exciting games, storytelling, puppet shows, and biblical teaching as well as take-home activities and tools.


(Kindergarten - 6th Grade)

Each elementary class encourages application of God’s Word and emphasizes biblical literacy and apologetics. These classes will also provide resources for parents to challenge daily discipleship and conversations throughout the week. 

Sunday School 

Sundays at 9:00 AM

Sunday School is divided into the following grades:

  • Kindergarten-1st grade
  • 2-4th grade
  • 5-6th grade

Children's Church

Sundays at 10:00 AM

Our elementary kids join their families in our sanctuary for worship at the beginning of the service. After the worship through music, the kids are dismissed to children’s church where they experience relevant Bible teaching in a fun and creative way! On the second Sunday of the month, the kids usually remain in the adult worship service the entire time.


Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 PM (during the school year)

For many children, Awana is the highlight of the week! They love the Bible lessons, the exciting games, and spending time with leaders and friends. Awana helps kids to grow and develop as lifelong followers of Jesus Christ! Awana is divided into 3 age groups.

  • Cubbies (3-4 years old)
  • Sparks (Kindergarten - 2nd Grade):
  • T&T (Truth and Training) (3rd-6th Grade):

Other Events

We also have other special events throughout the year for our kids such as Easter Egg Hunt and Block Party, Kids Camp, Vacation Bible School, Trunk or Treat, and more! 


Growing together.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Fellowship Student Ministry exists to help 7th-12th grade students find their greatest joy in Jesus! We do this by helping students develop an authentic faith and a Biblical worldview, and by helping them live out God's purpose for their life.

We worship, learn, grow, serve, and have tons of fun together!

When we meet

Sunday School

Sundays at 9 AM

Midweek Service:

Wednesdays from 6:45-8:00 PM

Our Midweek Services typically include a group game, worship led by our student worship team, and a message from one of our incredible youth workers. We open up our facilities by 6:00 before Midweek for students to hang out, play basketball, ping pong, foosball, or pool.

We meet in our Student Center for both Sunday School and Midweek. The Student Center is upstairs in our Classroom/Activities Building. 


We know that attending a church service for the first time can be a super scary thing. At FFWBC, you can expect friendly and authentic people, engaging and relevant music and worship, and compelling preaching from the Bible, You will be encouraged and maybe even challenged.